Food is not just a COMMODITY
- food is life.
You are what you eat! At least to some extent. This statement brings a good message, but it can also be taken too literally. Therefore, you are not just what you eat, you should, however, be aware of what you eat and what consequences it brings, for you and your environment.
In our civilized, highly-developed world, society has gained a lot of scientific knowledge but at the same time,
the majority of old cultural wisdom has been lost. We have become mostly detached from our culture, our land, and our food! ‘Living healthy´ has become a lifestyle, a trend, and a status symbol that only the rich can afford. Every month there is a new food trend, and the majority follow, without actually knowing why. Food has become incredibly commercial!
This was not always the case. There was a time before the industrial revolution when all produce came from local farmers who loved their land and their animals. Growing food without the use of machinery, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers was common knowledge! It had been passed down over generations and allowed farmers to work on- and with their land over centuries without exploiting it and only with having a minimal impact on its ecosystems.
The future does not lie in giant food production industries, which only have their profit in mind, maximum quantity at the cost of quality! I lyes in small communities, creating sustainable food production circuits. It lies in the people who choose to farm for the love of it, and not just for the yield.